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Tips for
Recruiting Learners


  • Please share the flier we create for you to your organization’s email distribution list. You will receive the flier within the next couple of days.


  • Remember anyone age 13 and above can attend the class, so invite your members to encourage attendance from their family and friends.


  • Please post the flier on your Facebook, Instagram, etc. and encourage others to share. Please tag the foundation in your social media


  •  Some organizations choose to provide a snack or meal for their learners before or after class to boost attendance - this is welcome, but please make sure that the eating portion of the event does not overlap with the instruction.


  • · All classes must be open to the public as consistent with our mission - please consider sharing with local media outlets and other community groups in your area.


  • · Invite other local religious, community leaders, and non-profits so that other sites in your area may also have the opportunity to host a future class.

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